Woom Original 1 Plus otroški poganjalec

20,00 dalje

Super lahka in varna uporaba. Visokokakovostna otroška kolesa iz Avstrije so narejena za zabavno vožnjo. Od kolesarjev začetnikov do zrelih pogostih kolesarjev. Torej gresta skupaj na kolesarsko turo.

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The difference

First time on two wheels

The woom ORIGINAL 1 introduces children to the fun world of cycling. This balance bike is designed to enable small children to easily hop on and roll away. Even if a child has only just started to walk, it helps them to confidently gain a sense of balance on two wheels – and have fun doing so.


The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question Marks and devious Semikoli.


Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

No Shortcuts

Soft Yet Durable

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Quisque pulvinar, metus ac scelerisque scelerisque, arcu dui consectetur lorem, at tristique magna magna vel sapien. Vivamus commodo sodales sem faucibus tincidunt. Nunc ut mi id dui suscipit varius et vel mi.

Nunc vel nunc vitae risus ornare convallis. Vestibulum non sem at turpis dictum pulvinar at interdum urna. Ut nec iaculis urna.